Inter Process Profits, Transfer Price and Reserve for unrealised profits
What are inter process profits?
- between
- among
- within
- during
Inter Process Profits
Inter process profit represents the value added to the output over its cost, while being transferred from one process to another. Since the value addition is without incurring any cost, it would amount to or result in an amount of profit equal to the value addition.Transfer price
The value attributed to the output at the time of transfer is called the transfer price.This term is generally used in contexts where there is a certain element of profit included in the transfer value. Where there is no profit included, then the transfer price is nothing but cost.
Transfer Profit
The profit revealed by an account which is on account of transfer of stock from that account to another at an inflated price. The amount of profit would be the amount of inflation i.e. the value added to the cost to arrive at the transfer price.The Process account would contain a credit balance
Consider the following Process II where 340 units of output are being transferred to Process III as input at cost being approximately 66.2794 ( ) per unit.
DrCr | |||||
Particulars | Quantity (in Units) | Amount | Particulars | Quantity (in Units) | Amount |
To Process I a/c To Material To Direct Wages To Production Overheads | 450 | 15,875 2,000 3,680 2,576 | By Normal Loss a/c By Abnormal Loss a/c By Process IV a/c | 90 20 340 | 270 1,326 22,535 |
450 | 23,861 | 450 | 23,861 |
If the same output is valued at 75 per unit for the purpose of transfer, then
Transfer price = 75/unit.
Transfer value (Value attributed to output transferred)
= | number of units transferred × Transfer price |
= | 340 units × 75/unit |
= | 25,500 |
Value added in transfer
= | Transfer value − cost |
= | 25,500 × 22,535 |
= | 2,965 |
The process account with the transfer of output recorded at its transfer value instead of cost would be as below.
DrCr | |||||
Particulars | Quantity (in Units) | Amount | Particulars | Quantity (in Units) | Amount |
To Process I a/c To Material To Direct Wages To Production Overheads To Profit and Loss a/c | 450 | 15,875 2,000 3,680 2,576 2,965 | By Normal Loss a/c By Abnormal Loss a/c By Process III a/c | 90 20 340 | 270 1,326 25,500 |
450 | 23,861 | 450 | 23,861 |
This transfer profit is transferred to
- Costing Profit and Loss a/c under cost ledger accounting
- Profit and Loss a/c under integrated accounting
Process Stock a/c in use
If the Process Stock a/c is in use, then the transfer of output from the current process to the subsequent process is done through the Process Stock a/c. In such a case the inflated value being credited to the Process Stock a/c, the transfer profit is also revealed by the Process Stock a/c and is thus transferred from the Process Stock a/c to the Profit and Loss a/c.
DrCr | |||||
Particulars | Quantity (in Units) | Amount | Particulars | Quantity (in Units) | Amount |
To Profit and Loss a/c | 2,965 | By Process III a/c | 340 | 25,500 |
Effect of inter process profits
To view the difference between transfer at cost and transfer price, consider the data relating to a product that passes through 2 processes I and II to end up as a finished product.
Transfer at Cost
500 units transferred at a cost of 80/unit from Process I to Process II.
Process I a/c DrCr Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount To Material
To Expenses500 35,000
5,000By Process II a/c 500 40,000 500 units transferred at a cost of 120/unit from Process II to Finished Stock.
Process II a/c DrCr Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount To Process I a/c
To Expenses500 40,000
By Finished Stock a/c
60,000500 units are sold @ 160/unit.
Finished Stock a/c DrCr Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount To Process II a/c
To Selling Expenses
To Profit and Loss a/c500 60,000
12,000By Sales a/c 500 80,000
DrCr | |||
Particulars | Amount | Particulars | Amount |
By Finished Stock a/c | 12,000 |
The total profit of 12,000 @ 24/unit seems to have been made by the efforts of the selling department which is responsible for sales.
Transfer at Transfer Price
Transfer price at Process I is 90/unit and Process II is 115/unit. If the output is transferred at the transfer price, then the process accounts would be as follows.
500 units transferred at the transfer price of 90/unit from Process I to Process II.
Process I a/c DrCr Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount To Material
To Expenses
To Profit and Loss a/c500 35,000
5,000By Process II a/c 500 45,000 500 45,000 500 45,000 500 units are received from Process I @ 90/unit and transferred at the transfer price of 115/unit from Process II to Finished Stock.
Process II a/c DrCr Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount To Process I a/c
To Expenses500 45,000
20,000By Finished Stock a/c
By Profit and Loss a/c500 57,500
7,500500 65,000 500 65,000 500 units are sold @ 160/unit.
Finished Stock a/c DrCr Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount To Process II a/c
To Selling Expenses
To Profit and Loss a/c500 57,500
14,500By Sales a/c 500 80,000
DrCr | |||
Particulars | Amount | Particulars | Amount |
To Process II a/c To Balance c/d | 7,500 12,000 | By Process I a/c By Finished Stock a/c | 5,000 14,500 |
19,500 | 19,500 | ||
By Balance b/d | 12,000 |
The net profit ultimately transferred to the Profit and Loss a/c is the same whether the transfer has been made at cost or at a transfer price. However, where the transfer has been made at a transfer price, there is a possibility of a profit or loss arising at each stage where a transfer has been made.
The net profit would seem to be on account of the collective contributions from all the processes involved in the operation unlike in case of transfer at cost where the net profit seems to be on account of the contribution from the Finished Stock a/c only.
Effect of inter process profits
Performance Evaluation
Where the standard cost of output of each process is known, using the standard costs as the transfer price would enable the efficiency of operation of each process to be revealed through the information relating to the inter process profit in the process account.The profit or loss revealed by each process would be the cost variance.
Profitability Analysis
In the absence of use of inter process profits, the finished stock a/c would get debited with the cost of the finished output. The sale of finished goods is recorded through the finished stock a/c. The profit on sale revealed by the Finished Stock a/c would be the profit on account of sale of the final product.Since each process has a contribution in making the final product the profit may be distributed among the processes so as to assess the profitability of each process distinctly. This would be possible if a transfer price is set for each process.
Transfer at Cost Particulars Process I Process II Finished Stock a) Cost
b) Sale Price
c) Profit (b) − (a)
80(80 + 40)
120(120 + 16)
24Transfer at Transfer Price Particulars Process I Process II Finished Stock a) Cost
b) Transfer/Sale Price
c) Profit (b) − (a)
10(90 + 40)
−15(115 + 16)
29Transfer Price = Cost + Profit
The transfer price may be set by adding up a certain amount of profit on cost of that process. In such a case, if the sale price is fixed, there is a possibility for the ultimate sale to be showing up a loss.Fixed Transfer Price
If the transfer prices are set at fixed value irrespective of the cost incurred, then it would be the same as using standard cost (+ a certain amount of profit) as transfer prices wherein the profit or loss at each process indicates efficiency.Decision Making
The idea of transfer pricing would also enable deriving information that would help in decision making.Make or Buy
If the input of an intermediary process which is the output of the prior process is capable of being bought from outside, then it would be prudent to check whether it is appropriate taking up the prior process or not.Choosing the price at which the input is available from the market as the transfer price for the prior process would help derive the information that would be helpful in taking such a decision.
As long as there is some profit in the prior process on account of the transfer price being greater than cost, it would be beneficial to carry on the prior process. If the prior process generates a loss, then it would be an indicator that the input can be acquired at a lower cost from outside and as such carrying on the prior process is not appropriate.
Eg : The output of Process I which cost 80/unit is used as input in Process II. AS long as the price of the input used in process II from outside sources is ≥ 80 it would be appropriate to carry on Process I. Using the price as the transfer price in Process I would generate a profit when it is (≥ 80) and a loss when it is < 80.
Transfer or Sell
If the output of a process capable of being sold, it would be prudent to check whether it is appropriate to sell it away or transfer it to subsequent process and carry on processing it. Whether the subsequent processes can be dropped at ease and the cost of such an event would also have to be taken into consideration in taking such a decision.Choosing the price at which the output can be sold as the transfer price for the process would help derive the information that would be helpful in taking such a decision.
As long as there is some profit in the process on account of the transfer price being greater than cost, it would be beneficial to carry on the process. If the process generates a loss, then it would be an indicator that the selling the output would not be appropriate.
Reserve for unrealised profits
Unrealised Profit
The inter process profit that is generated at each process is generated immediately on recording the transaction relating to transfer which is a transaction of transfer within the organisation. This profit is notional profit and is not profit earned. This profit would be realised only after the transferred material passes through the subsequent processes and is finally sold.Illustration
500 units are transferred from process I to process II and from there to Finished product. Consider only 400 of these units to have been sold.
Transfer at cost
When the transfers are at cost, profit would be recorded only when there is sale and at the time of sale. As such all profit credited to the profit and loss account would be realised profit.
Transfer at Cost Particulars Process I Process II Finished Stock a) Cost
b) Sale Price
c) Profit (b) − (a)
d) Output Produced (units)
e) Output Transferred (units)
f) Output Sold (units)
g) Closing Stock(d) − (e)i) Value of Closing stock (g) × (a)
(d) − (f)
0(80 + 40)
0(120 + 16)
13,600Finished Stock a/c DrCr Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount To Process II a/c
To Selling Expenses
To Profit and Loss a/c500 60,000
9,600By Sales a/c
By Balance c/d400
13,600500 77,600 500 77,600 The unsold stock of 100 units is valued at the actual cost in the Finished Stock a/c i.e. 136/unit.
Profit and Loss a/c DrCr Particulars Amount Particulars Amount By Finished Stock a/c 9,600 Transfer at Transfer Price
When the transfer is at a price other than cost there may be profit or loss at the time of transfer. This profit or loss is transferred to the profit and loss account at the time of recording the transfer.
Transfer at Transfer Price Particulars Process I Process II Finished Stock a) Cost
b) Transfer/Sale Price
c) Profit (b) − (a)
d) Output Produced (units)
e) Output Transferred (units)
f) Output Sold (units)
g) Inter Process Profit (c) × (e)
h) Closing Stock(d) − (e)i) Value of Closing stock (h) × (a)
(d) − (f)
0(90 + 40)
0(115 + 16)
14,100Finished Stock a/c DrCr Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount To Process II a/c
To Selling Expenses
To Profit and Loss a/c500 62,500
7,600By Sales a/c
By Balance c/d400
14,100500 78,100 500 78,100 The unsold stock of 100 units is valued at the cost ascertained using transfer values in the Finished Stock a/c i.e. 141/unit.
Profit and Loss a/c DrCr Particulars Amount Particulars Amount To Process II a/c
To Balance c/d2,500
10,100By Process I a/c
By Finished Stock a/c5,000
7,60012,600 12,600 By Balance b/d 10,100 Profit included in the value of closing Finished stock
= Inter process profits added to the stock before it reached Finished Stock = Inter process profit added in Process I + Inter process profit added in Process II = 10/unit + (−5/unit) = 5/unit Cost value of closing Finished stock
= Value (including inter process profits) − Inter Process Profits included = 141/unit − 5/unit = 136/unit The inter process profits included in the value of closing finished stock have been transferred to the Profit and Loss a/c from Process I and Process II at the time of transfer of output to process II and finished stock respectively. This inter process profit included in the value of closing stock would be unrealised profit.
If the closing finished goods is valued at actual cost (100 × 136), the profit shown by Finished stock account would be lesser by the inter process profit included in its value (100 × 5) when it is valued at transfer costs (100 × 141).
Finished Stock a/c DrCr Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount To Process II a/c
To Selling Expenses
To Profit and Loss a/c500 62,500
7,100By Sales a/c
By Balance c/d400
13,600500 77,600 500 77,600 The unsold stock of 100 units is valued at the cost in the Finished Stock a/c i.e. 136/unit.
Profit and Loss a/c DrCr Particulars Amount Particulars Amount To Process II a/c
To Balance c/d2,500
9,600By Process I a/c
By Finished Stock a/c5,000
7,10012,100 12,100 By Balance b/d 9,600
Identifying Unrealised Profit
The additional value included in the value of closing stock is on account of inter process profits included in them. It would be realised only when the stock has been sold. It has got into the value on account of transfer transactions being recorded at values other than cost. This additional value represents unrealised profits.The amount of unrealised profit
= inter process profits included in the value of closing stock.
Excluding Unrealised Profit
The unrelaised profit may be excluded byvaluing closing stocks at actual cost
To ensure that the profit absorbed by the Profit and Loss account does not include unrealised profits, the values of closing stocks may be recorded at actual costs instead of at transfer prices.The closing stocks of a period become the opening stocks of the subsequent periods. Assume that the closing stocks are being maintained in the same account, the closing stock would be carried over as a balance in the process account itself.
If closing stocks are recorded at actual costs so as to avoid inclusion of inter process profits, then while the opening stocks are being taken back to the Process account at the beginning of the subsequent accounting period the value of stock being used as input would be the cost and not the transfer price at which it has been transferred earlier.
Finished Stock a/c DrCr Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount
By Balance c/d
13,600To Balance b/d
To Profit and Loss a/c100 13,600
500In such a case, the inter process profit that would have been included in its value has to be debited to the process account again.
creating a Reserve for unrealised profit
Instead of recording closing stock at actual cost and then recording an additional transaction for revaluing the stock while it is brought forward in the subsequent period, a separate reserve account is created by charging profits to the extent of unrealised profits.The closing stock would be recorded at cost based on transfer price for inputs.
Finished Stock a/c DrCr Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount Particulars Quantity
(in Units)Amount To Process II a/c
To Selling Expenses
To Profit and Loss a/c500 62,500
7,100By Sales a/c
By Balance c/d400
14,100500 78,100 500 78,100 Profits transferred to the Profit and loss account would include the unrealised profits. A reserve for the amount of unrealised profit is created by charging profits thereby leaving the net profits as shown by the profit and loss account at a figure arrived at by taking the stock values at actual cost.
Journal Particulars Stock Reserve a/c To Profit and Loss a/cDr Profit and Loss a/c DrCr Particulars Amount Particulars Amount To Process II a/c
To Stock Reserve a/c
To Balance c/d2,500
9,600By Process I a/c
By Finished Stock a/c5,000
7,60012,600 12,600 By Balance b/d 9,600 The stock reserve account shows a credit balance which is carried forward to the subsequent accounting period.
Stock Reserve a/c DrCr Particulars Amount Particulars Amount To Balance c/d 500 By Profit and Loss a/c 500 12,600 500 By Balance b/d 500 The balance in the stock reserve account would be dealt with at the time of preparing the final accounts of the subsequent accounting period. Based on the amount of reserve , the current balance may be increased by charging the profits and creating an additional reserve or
If the amount of stock reserve to be maintained at the end
- is greater than the existing balance, the additional reserve required is brought in by charging the profit and loss account.
- is less than the existing balance, then the excess reserve is written off by transfer to the profit and loss account.
- is equal to the existing balance, then nothing needs to be done.
Thus the balance in the stock reserve account flows from one accounting period to another after being adjusted based on the balance to be maintained.
in the Balance Sheet
Stock Reserve account has a credit balance and has to be shown on the liabilities side of the balance sheet.Since the organisation needs to know the actual cost value of the closing stocks also, the reserve is shown as a deduction from the value of closing stocks that appear on the assets side of the balance sheet, thereby showing the stock values at cost.
Balance Sheet Liabilities Amount Amount Assets Amount Amount
Finished Stock− Stock Reserve
Stock Reserve on Stocks in Multiple Processes
As such the stock reserve to be created would have to cover the unrealised profits relating to the stocks in all the processes and not just the Finished Stock.
Particulars | Process I | Process II | Process III | Process IV |
a) Cost b) Transfer/Sale Price c) Profit (b) − (a) d) Output Produced (units) e) Output Transferred (units) f) Output Sold (units) g) Closing Stock (d) − (e) h) Value of Closing stock (g) × (a)(d) − (f) i) Inter Process Profit in Closing Stock (per unit) j) Unrealised Profit (g) × (i) | 50 62 12 1,200 1,100 100 – | (62 + 20) 82 100 18 900 700 200 12 2,400 | (115 + 16) 141 160 19 800 750 50 14,100 30 (12 + 18) 1,500 | (160 + 10) 170 200 30 750 600 150 14,100 49 (30 + 19) 7,350 |
Inter process profits included in stock in a process
= | Inter process profits added in all processes prior to the process |
Stock reserve to be created
= | 2,400 + 1,500 + 7,350 |
= | 11,250 |