BBC News - Science & Environment

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Russia's invasion of Ukraine and soaring gas prices have led to new greenhouse gas emitting projects, researchers say.
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A new map traces the shape of the remote ocean bed surrounding Antarctica.
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US climate envoy John Kerry warns the world is "cooked" if countries continue using coal.
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China plans to put astronauts on the Moon and send probes to Mars and Jupiter. Why the grand plans?
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The seagrass is roughly 4,500 years old and three times the size of Manhattan, researchers say.
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Vice-chancellors ask both sides to work together to save the UK's role in a multi-billion-pound scheme.
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The great white shark could have helped push the megalodon to extinction through a battle for food.
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Researchers say bacteria such as E. coli stays attached to plastic longer than natural material.
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Deep peat moorlands store huge amounts of carbon and are a buffer against climate change
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Those viral moments of unusual animal behaviour provide valuable insight for researchers as well.
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It is an almost complete set of "genetic instructions" from people who died when Mount Vesuvius erupted.
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MPs say the amount of demolition and rebuilding must be reduced as it adds to the emissions driving climate change.
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Scientists warn that 24 of Britain's butterfly species are in danger of dying out.
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Researchers at Northwestern University in the United States have created robots less than 1mm big.
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The legislation will allow the commercial development of genetically-edited plants and animals in England.
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The mood is shifting in an industry destabilised by economic shocks and post-Brexit reforms.
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A second consecutive winter heavily influenced by La Niña weather patterns threatens violent storms.
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The birds take to the skies en masse after calling out their 'vote', scientists have discovered.
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Why hydrogen might be one route for Germany to move away from dependence on Russian imports.
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A bill is to be introduced in Parliament in two days' time to allow the commercial growing of gene-edited crops in England.
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Climate "doomers" believe it’s far too late to do anything about climate change - but they're wrong.
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Scientists say we need to future-proof our diets in a warming world by eating little-known plants.
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The artwork stands in her hometown of Lyme Regis thanks to a teenager's four-year campaign.
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The aerospace company hopes its Starliner vehicle can finally prove its capabilities in orbit.
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Conservation scientists hope that preserving genetic material offers future insurance against extinction
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