Interim Dividend - Appropriation - Payment

Normally the dividends of a company for a particular financial year can be paid only out of the profits for that year arrived at after providing for depreciation. Thus declaration of dividends would be possible only after finalising accounts.

Companies Act, 1956 Show

Interim dividend can be declared by the Board of Directors at any time.

Companies Act, 1956 Show

Interim dividends are first paid and then appropriated from profits.

If provision for dividends account exits, then we consider the interim dividend account to be similar in nature to the provision for dividends account. Interim dividend account is treated as a current account or a non-current account accordingly as the provision for dividends account is current or non-current.

Interim Dividend - Current Account

The interim dividend account being a current account has to be considered only for the purpose of preparing the statement of changes in working capital.

Since we need to consider only the accounts present in the balance sheet for the purpose of preparation of the statement of changes in working capital, and the interim dividend account would not be present in the balance sheet, we need not consider the transactions relating to interim dividends for the purpose of analysing funds flow when it is a current account.

Payment of Interim Dividend Dr. Interim Dividend a/c
Cr. Bank a/c
Charge to/against Profits Dr. Profit and Loss a/c
Cr. Interim Dividend a/c

Interim Dividend - Non-Current Account

The transaction relating to payment of interim dividend would be a cross transaction.
Payment of Interim Dividend Dr. Interim Dividend a/c
Cr. Bank a/c
Appropriation from Profits Dr. Profit and Loss Appropriation a/c
Cr. Interim Dividend a/c

Since the balance sheet is prepared after finalisation of accounts, we will find no trace of the interim dividend, unless there is an indication in the form of adjustments or additional information.

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