CWA/ICWA Inter :: Information Systems and Technology: June 2006

Revised Syllabus

Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
The figures on the right in the margin indicate full marks.
Answer Question 1, which is compulsory, and any five from the rest.
1. (a) Match col. (1) with col.(2):
(i)LCD(1)Measure if security
(ii)Client(2)Designing logic circuits
(iii)Protocol(3)Primary storage
(iv)Leased Line(4)Output devices
(v)Boolean Algebra(5)User node
(vi)Multiprogramming(6)Business transactions
(vii)Back-up Files(7)High speed digital connection
(viii)RAM(8)To process two or more problems simultaneously
(ix)Modem(9)Set of rules
(x)EDI(10)Data transmission
(b) Put an appropriate word in the blank position:
(i)_______ is a set of conditions against which a product or system is measured.
(ii)_______ indicates a sequence if instructions that repeat until a predetermined count or other test is satisfied.
(iii)An _______ is a boundary shared by human beings and computers.
(iv)A _______ disk is a thin circular metal plate coated with a magnetic material in both sides.
(v)_______computers process data input in continuous form.
(c) Expand the following abbreviations:
2. (a) Differentiate between primary and secondary storage. 4
(b) What is word length? 2
(c) Describe the uses if different types of memory: RAM. ROM, PROM, EPROM and CACHE. 2x5
3. (a)
(i)What is meant by information system audit? What are its objectives?
(ii)Mention 4 internal controls that have an impact on IS audit. What is meant by Audit Trail?
(b) Describe three types of printers. 6
4. (a) You have been engaged as Management Consultant for the computerization plan undertaken by a large car manufacturing company. Before assessing the information needs, you have been requested to identify at least three major activities under each of the following functions of the company:
  (i)  Manufacturing,
 (ii)  Marketing, and
(iii)  Finance and Accounting.
Please turn over

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Revised syllabus

On a particular day you wish to receive an e-mail form your boss in your home computer via the Internet. What steps are involved in opening the message?

5. (a) what is meant by an Operating System? What are its functions? 2+5
(b) Why is Windows called a proprietary operating system? 2
(c) What is the difference between multi-programming and multi-processing? 2
(d) What is a virus? What steps are needed to protect a computer system against a virus attack? 1+4
6. (a) Give the names of any four popular ERP packages. Do we need a database platform for ERP? If so, which one? 4+4
(b) What are the two main addressing systems on the Internet? Describe the details for each. 2+4
(c) Who controls the Internet? 2
7. (a) What is meant by digital signature? What is the key pair and how is it used? 2+4
(b) What is a DBMS? What is meant by defining, constructing and manipulating a DBMS? 2+6
(c) What is meant by DDP? 2
8. (a) Convert to decimal:
 (i)  (567)8
(ii)  (BCD) 16
(b) Convert to binary:
 (i)  (1234)10
(ii)  (543) 8
(c) Write short note on:
 (i)  BPR
(ii)  Audit Charter
9. (a) In purchase order processing system, a purchase order record has the following field: 10
Field nameMaximum field size
Purchase order number
Vendor code
Order quantity
Order date

It is estimated that at any point of time, the outstanding purchase order file would have a maximum of 750 outstanding purchase order records in the file (one material received, the purchase order record is purged from the file). However, there may be a 15% increase in the total number of records in near future. The file management software also required an overhead of 20% for minimizing probabilities of collision and overflow conditions.
Compute the total file space requirement after allowing for 10% contingency factor on the total.


Convert the digit 9 into its EBCDIC representation and add a suitable parity bit so that it conforms to the odd parity convention for EBCIDC.


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Revised syllabus
(c) Choose the appropriate alternative:
(i)Information is
(1)  Textual form of data
(2)  summarization process of data
(ii)Assembly language is
(1)  machine independent
(2)  machine dependent
(iii)Computer is
(1)  an electronic data processing machine
(2)  able to recognize the instructions
(iv)Software is
(1)  to create the processing
(2)  a group of components



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