CWA/ICWA Foundation :: Organisation and Management Fundamentals : June 2003

Revised Syllabus

Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
Section I
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
1. Do you agree with the following statements? Write Yes or No, giving proper reasonings in support of your answer:
(a)Management process and management functions are one and the same.
(b)Procedures are helpful in performing non-routine task.
(c)Operational Planning is undertaken under more complex and ambiguous environment than strategic planning.
(d)Matrix organisation structure combines features of more than one form of departmentation.
(e)Administrative management theory is prescriptive in nature.
(f)Recruitment and selection are one and the same thing.
(g)The behavioural science approach considers that business organisations are purely social systems.
(h)Absence of hygiene factors increases dissatisfaction with the job.
(i)Lower Level Management is also called strategic management.
(j)There is multiplicity of command instead of unity of command in a functional organisation structure.
2. What do you mean by Delegation of Authority? Explain the basic principles and importance of Delegation of Authority. 4+6+6
3. Discuss the pillars of classical organisation theory. Also add brief criticism of this theory. 10+6
4. What do you understand by the terms "conflict"? Explain the positive as well as negative effects of conflict in an organisation. 6+5+5
Section II
Answer any four questions.
5. Explain the concept of Human Resource Planning. Discuss its objectives and importance. 6+4+6
6. Define planning. Discuss the importance of planning and the various steps involved in planning. 4+6+6
7. What do you understand by the term 'change'? Why do people resist change? 8+8
8. Write short notes on any four:
(a)Barriers to communication;
(b)Characteristics of learship;
(c)Administrative problems of public sector enterprises;
(d)Role conflict;
(e)Power and authority.


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