CWA/ICWA Foundation :: Organisation and Management Fundamentals: December 2005

Revised Syllabus

Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
The figures in the margin on the right side indicate full marks.
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
1. Do you agree with the following statements? Write Yes or No, giving proper reasoning in support of your answer. No marks will be awarded if only Yes or No, is stated:
(a)Organisation is a process.
(b)How Thorne Experiments covered three studies?
(c)Some amount of conflict is desirable in the organisation.
(d)The main purpose of Human resource Management is wage and salary administration.
(e)Henri Fayal is known as father of scientific Management.
(f)A rule is a standing plan.
(g)Communication process remains incomplete without feed-back.
(h)Delegation of authority increases work-load of Top Management.
(i)McGregor produced the 'Need Hierarchy Theory'.
(j)Management process and management functions are one and the same.
(k)Contingency approach is a common sense approach.
(l)Policies and procedures are synonymous.
(m)Basically delegation of authority involves three elements.
(n)Single use plans are aimed at meeting repetitive situations.
(o)Human relations school is a socio-psychological approach to management.
2. What is organisation theory? Discuss the pillars of classical organisation theory. 3+7
3. What is delegation of authority? Explain the basic advantages of delegation of authority. 3+7
Answer any four questions.
4. Define planning. Discuss the steps involved in planning. 3+12
5. What is control? Discuss the steps involved in control. 3+12
6. Explain the meaning of recruitment. Mention the importance of recruitment and discuss the steps involved in recruitment process. 3+6+6
7. Discuss the importance or advantages of public enterprises. Also point out the arguments against them. 8+7
8. Write short notes on any three:
(a)Goal conflict;
(b)Line and staff organisation;
(c)Span of control;
(d)Features of contingency approach;
(e)Free-rein leadership.


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