CWA/ICWA Foundation :: Organisation and Management Fundamentals: December 2004

Revised Syllabus

Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
The figures in the margin on the right side indicate full marks.
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
1. Do you agree with the following statements? Write Yes or No, giving proper reasoning in support of your answer. No marks will be awarded if only Yes or No, is stated:
(a)Recruitment and selection are one and the same thing.
(b)Responsibility cannot be delegated.
(c)Planning is an wasteful exercise.
(d)State enterprises are prove to too much political interference.
(e)Intrinsic reward is self-administered.
(f)Forecasting is an indispensable element of planning.
(g)Communication is the process of interaction among people.
(h)The board of directors is the human agent of the management of the Company.
(i)Policies and procedures both are guides to actions.
(j)Changes lead to expansion in the frontiers of organisational activities.
(k)The Behavioural School is neither a social nor a technical in its approach.
(l)The operational activities of management start with direction.
(m)Job enlargement and job enrichment are not different.
(n)Centralisation reduces the burden of the top management.
(o)Unity of command means that a subordinate should get orders and instructions from different superiors.
2. What do you understand by organisation structures? Discuss the merits of Line Organisation. 4+6
3. What is organisational behaviour?Mention its main characteristics. 4+6
Attempt any four questions.
4. What do you mean by Human Resource Planning? What are its objectives? 5+10
5. What is meant by change? Explain the reasons for resistance to change. 4+11
6. What is organisational goal? Discuss the primary and secondary and organisational goals? 4+11
7. What is forecasting? What are the elements of business forecasting? 3+12
8. Write short notes on any three:
(a)Gravevine communication;
(b)Qualities of a successful leader;
(c)External sources of recruitment;
(d)Reasons for joining groups;
(e)Administration vs. Management.


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