CWA/ICWA Foundation :: Organisation and Management Fundamentals: December 2003

Revised Syllabus

Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
The figures in the margin on the right side indicate full marks.
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
1. Do you agree with the following statements? Write Yes/No giving proper reasoning in support of your answer. No marks will be awarded, if only Yes or No is stated.
(a)Decentralisation is an extension of delegation.
(b)Herzberg's Two factor Theory states that there is hierarchy of needs.
(c)Conflict is an organisation triggers change in favourable direction also.
(d)Co-ordination is best achieved by order and force only.
(e)Conceptual skill implies ability to use tools, procedures and techniques.
(f)Standing plans are chosen course of action.
(g)Horizontal and Diagonal channels of communication tend to be shorter than vertical channels.
(h)The quantitative school does not follow scientific methods in its approach.
(i)Another component of individual behaviour is attitude.
(j)Managerial grids can be used as a training device for improving leadership.
2. What is departmentation? Explain how the departments are created. 4+12
3. Distinguish between Formal and Informal organisations. 16

Answer any four questions.
4. What is decision-making? Explain the steps in decision-making. 4+12
5. Explain the concepts of Board of Directors. Discuss the functions of Board of Directors. 3+13
6. What do you understand by Contingency Approach? Explain the main features of this approach. 6+10
7. What is meant by Training? What are its important principles? Discuss the advantages of training. 3+6+7
8. Write short notes on any four:
(a)Meaning of Staffing;
(b)Programmed and Non-programmed decision;
(c)Planning premises;
(d)Functions of supervisor;
(e)Organisational Culture and its characteristics.


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