CWA/ICWA Foundation :: Economics and Business Fundamentals : June 2007

Revised Syllabus

Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
The figures in the margin on the right side indicate full marks.

SECTION I (50 marks)
Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any two from the rest.
1. (a) Answer the following :
(i) Adam Smith's work on "Wealth of Nations" was published in
(ii) According to Keynes, interest is a
(A)Fiscal phenomenon
(B)Risky phenomenon
(C)Monetary phenomenon
(iii) India's EXIM Bank is concerned with
(A)Foreign trade of India
(B)India's import trade
(C)India's domestic trade
(iv) According to Say's Law,
(A)Demand creates further demand
(B)Supply is created by its own demand
(C)Supply creates its own demand
(v) Money is considered to be a
(A)Most illiquid asset
(B)Most liquid asset
(C)Most dangerous asset
(b) Fill in the blanks:
(i)The want satisfying power of a thing is called ________
(ii)Demand for a factor of production is called a ________ demand.
(iii)The supply curve of labour for a particular person is partly ________ sloping.
(iv)In BOP, ________ account deals with debts and claims.
(v)In traditional agriculture, many workers' marginal production may be ________
(c) Define the following in not more than two sentences:
(ii)Long run equilibrium of the firm;
(iii)Trade or business cycle;
(iv)Lender of last resort;
(v)Quota in IMF;
(vi)Public Finance.
2. Explain the process of credit creation by commercial banks. What are the limitations to credit creation? 10+7
3. Explain the concept of liquidity preference. What part does liquidity preference play in the determination of rate of interest. 5+12
4. (a) What are the causes of inflation? 5
(b) What are the effects of inflation? 6
(c) How would you control inflation? 6
5. (a) Define central bank. How does it differ from a commercial bank? 3+6
(b) Discuss the functions of the NABARD. 8
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Revised syllabus
Answer Question No. 6 which is compulsory and any two from the rest.
6. (a) Answer the following :
(i) Joint Hindu Family Business is a
(A)Joint Stock Company
(C)Business organisation peculiar to India
(ii) All extraordinary general meeting is one
(A)In which members have extraordinary powers
(B)That is held between two annual general meetings
(C)Which permits only selected members to attend
(iii) MBO is based on the
(A)Acceptance of objectives by all management personnel
(B)Decision by top management
(C)Decision by owners of the firm
(iv) Stock exchange is a part of
(A)Capitalist economy
(C)Tribal economy
(v) Advertisement has
(A)A mass appeal
(B)No justification in an open society
(C)No business purpose.
(b) State which of the following statements are “True” and which are “False”:
(i)Sole proprietorship is the latest form of business organisation.
(ii)A foreign company is one which is incorporated abroad, but has a place of business in India.
(iii)Ideal objectives of a business are clear, acceptable, precise and measurable.
(iv)Only graduates are permitted to do business in a stock exchange.
(v)A good report is a well written document.
(c) Define the following terms in not more than two sentences:
(i)Sleeping partner;
(ii)A holding company;
(iii)Preference shares;
(iv)Statutory meeting;
(v)International environment;
(vi)A circular.
7. Distinguish between—
(i)Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.
(ii)Public Limited Company and Private Limited Company.
8. Define a Prospectus. Why and by whom is it issued? What are the usual contents of a Prospectus? 3+4+10
9. Explain the role of Stock Exchange as a vital economic institution. What are the requirements for listing of shares in a Stock Exchange? 10+7
10. Write short notes on:
(a)Barriers to communication;
(b)Role of four animals in stock exchange;
(c)Special Resolution;
(d)Social responsibility of business.


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