CWA/ICWA Foundation :: Economics and Business Fundamentals: Decmber 2005

Revised Syllabus

Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100
The figures in the margin on the right side indicate full marks.

SECTION I (50 marks)
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any two from the rest.
1. (a) Answer the following:
(i)Economics was defined as a science of choice amidst scarcity by
(ii)Equilibrium means
(iii)Optimum level of population means
(A)Maximum level of population;
(B)"maximum returns" level of population;
(C)maximum productive capacity.
(iv)IDA (an affiliate of World Bank) stands for
(A)Indian Development Association;
(B)International Development Association;
(C)International Development Agency.
(v)A firm is said to be in equilibrium in the long run when
(A)MR >MC;
(b) Fill in the blanks:
(i)Marginal utility is the utility obtained from one __________ unit of thing.
(ii)The factor cost of land is ____________
(iii)Capital is defined as ___________ __________ of production.
(iv)Money is a _____________ of exchange.
(v)Invisible items in the balance of payments indicates the value of exports and imports of ________.
(c) Define the following terms in not more than two lines:
(i)Normal Price.
(ii)Velocity of money
(iii)Bank rate.
(v)Concept of multiplier.
(vi)Marginal propensity to consume.
2. Explain the concept of liquidity preference. What part does liquidity preference play in the determination of rate of interest? 5+12
3. (a) Briefly discuss the various items of balance of payments. 10
(b) Examine the statement that "balance of payments always balances". 7
4. What is money? Discuss the quantity theory of money as propounded by Irving Fisher. 5+12
5. Explain the process of credit creation by commercial banks. What are the limitations to credit creation? 10+7
SECTION II (50 marks)
Answer Question No. 6 which is compulsory and any two from the rest
6. (a) Answer the following:
(i)A Co-operative society is
(ii)A public limited company can start its business after obtaining
(A)Certificate of Incorporation;
(B)Certificate of Commencement of business;
(C)Listing Certificate.
(iii)MBO stands for
(A)Management by oppression;
(B)Management by ownership;
(C)Management by objective.
(iv)Functions of a stock exchange do not include
(A)Providing a market for securities;
(B)Safe guarding interests of investors;
(C)Providing a machinery for settlement of conflicts among the brokers.
(v)Important barriers to business communications are
(A)The long distance between the senders and the receivers;
(B)The cost of sending and receiving communication;
(C)Status levels and personal differences of opinion between the senders and the receivers.
(b) State which of the following statements are "True" and which are "False".
(i)Shares of all companies are dealt in on stock exchange.
(ii)21 clear days' notice must be served to hold a Board meeting.
(iii)Noise is every thing surrounding the entire spectrum of communication.
(iv)Customs, cultural values, religious beliefs etc. do not affect a business.
(v)The Government tries to restrict the activities of co-operative by the Act.
(c) Define the following in not more than two lines:
(i)Convertible debenture
(vi)Organic objectives
7. Distinguish between: 8+9
Spot transaction and forward transaction;
Minute writing and report writing.
8. Discuss the various stages in the formation of a public joint stock company. 17
9. Define a meeting. What are the essential requirements of a valid meeting? 3+14
10. Explain the role of stock exchange as a vital economic institution. What are the requirements for listing of shares in a stock exchange? 10+7


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