CA Final :: Management Information and Control Systems : November 2003

Roll No…………………
Total No. of Questions— 7] [Total No. of Printed Pages—2

Time Allowed—3 Hours Maximum Marks—100
Answers to questions are to be given only in English except in the cases of candidates who have opted for Hindi medium. If a candidate who has not opted for Hindi medium, answers in Hindi, his answers in Hindi will not be valued.

Question No. 1 is compulsory.

Answer any four from the remaining six questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.(a)What is the sole purpose of an Information System (IS) Audit?2
(b)What is the role of an IS Auditor?2

While performing an IS Audit, the Auditor should make sure that various objectives are met. Briefly describe them.


What are the different types of securities required for the Computer System? Explain briefly the different components of physical security of a computer installation.

2.(a)Explain the role played by Financial Information System in making financial decisions.8
(i)Describe briefly three levels of Management. 3
(ii)Mention atleast two pieces of information—one internal and one external—required at every one of the levels of Management.6
(iii)Discuss the potential impact of computers and MIS at the top level of Management.3

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3.(a)Describe the various components of Client Server Architecture.8
(b)Bring out the reasons as to why the organizations fail to achieve their Systems Development Objectives?12

Explain the different conversion strategies used for conversion from a manual to a computerised system.

(b)Discuss briefly the advantages and disadvantages of any one conversion strategy.3
(c)For a material inventory control system, draw the system flowchart and explain the following:12
(i)System interfaces
(ii)Files and inputs
5.(a)What is an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system?2

Write down the general guidelines which are to be followed before starting the implementation of an ERP package.

(c)Why should businesses take Computer Frauds seriously?10
6.(a)Briefly describe any five core principles of Information Security.10
(b)What are Case Tools? Describe in depth the categories of case tools with examples.10
7.Write short notes on any four of the following:5x4=20
(a)Executive Information System
(b)System Manual
(c)Digital Signature Certificate
(d)Point scoring analysis in vendor evaluation
(e)Transaction logs.


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