CWA ICWA Inter - Group I : Applied Direct Taxes - June 2010

This Paper has 44 answerable questions with 2 answered.
Syllabus 2008
Time Allowed : 3 HoursFull Marks : 100
The figures in the margin on the right side indicate full marks
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.
Working notes should form part of the answer.
Wherever required, the candidate can make suitable assumptions and
state the same clearly in the answer.
1.(a)Fill up the blanks:7 
  (i)   (1)
  (ii)   (1)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
  (v)   (0)
  (vi)   (0)
  (vii)   (0)
 (b)(i)2x5 (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
  (v)   (0)
 (c)State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False(answers without reasoning will not receive any credit):1x8 
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
  (v)   (0)
  (vi)   (0)
  (vii)   (0)
  (viii)   (0)
2.(a)5 (0)
 (b)6 (0)
 (c)4 (0)
3.(a)7 (0)
 (b)Discuss the allowability of the following expenditure while computing income under the head ”Profit and gains of business or profession”  
  (i)2 (0)
  (ii)2 (0)
 (c)(i)2 (0)
  (ii)2 (0)
4.(a)7 (0)
 (b)3 (0)
 (c)5 (0)
5.(a)7 (0)
 (b)4 (0)
 (c)4 (0)
6.(a)4 (0)
 (b)7 (0)
 (c)2+2 (0)
7.Write short notes on any three of the following: 5x3 
 (a)  (0)
 (b)  (0)
 (c)  (0)
 (d)  (0)
 (e)  (0)
8.(a)12 (0)
 (b)3 (0)