4. | (a) | Mention the matters to be included in auditors’ report under the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003 in the following cases : (i) | Overdue amount is more than Rs.1 lakh. | (ii) | Funds raised on short-term basis have been used for long-term investment and vice versa. | (iii) | A listed company and/or other company having a paid-up capital and reserves exceeding Rs.50 lakh at the commencement of the financial year concerned, or having an average turnover exceeding Rs.5 crore for a period of three consecutive financial years immediately preceding the financial year concerned. | (iv) | A company has accepted deposits from the public but the provisions of sections 58A and 58AA have not been complied with. | | | (0) |
| (1 mark each) | | |
| (b) | ‘Cost audit is an audit of efficiency, of minute details of expenditure, while work is in progress and not a post–mortem examination.‘ Discuss the statement with reference to authoritative definition. | | (0) |
| (6 marks) | | |
| (c) | Distinguish between –– | | |
| | (i) | ‘Efficiency audit’ and ‘propriety audit’; and | | (0) |
| | (ii) | ‘Internal audit’ and ‘statutory audit’. | | (0) |
| (3 marks each) | | |
| (d) | Name the appropriate type of audit applicable for the approval of the following functions : (i) | To probe the balancing between authority and responsibility. | (ii) | Strengthen the factors for continuity and growth of business. | (iii) | Long-term and short-term strategies of a department have been evolved and are efficiently used. | (iv) | To find out whether there has been any misuse of business funds. | | | (0) |
5. | (a) | ‘Inter–firm comparison is a tool for the management to improve overall performance.‘ Elaborate. | | (0) |
| (4 marks) | | |
| (b) | ‘Internal control systems should be commensurate with the size, nature and complexities of the business.‘ Explain. | | (0) |
| (8 marks) | | |
| (c) | Vivek, Managing director of Bright Ltd., feels that adequate information is provided to the shareholders through duly audited financial statements and the performances of all the managers is continuously reviewed by him and as such the so called ‘management audit’ is redundant and waste of money. As the Company Secretary of Bright Ltd., advise Vivek suitably highlighting the objectives of management audit and the elements in management function covered. | | (0) |
| (8 marks) | | |
6. | (a) | State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are correct or incorrect: | | |
| | (i) | Management auditor does not have to comment on the management’s decision itself but has to act as an aid to the management. | | (0) |
| | (ii) | One of the main objectives of cost audit is curbing profiteering in case of scarce goods. | | (0) |
| | (iii) | Internal control can provide a reasonable but not absolute assurance that the objectives are achieved. | | (0) |
| | (iv) | The essential feature of operational audit is scrutiny and review of internal controls and to check and ensure that any deficiencies found are corrected. | | (0) |
| | (v) | The scope and objective of internal audit is not to provide for a channel of communicating new ideas to the top management. | | (0) |
| (2 marks each) | | |
| (b) | Re-write the following sentences after filling-in the blank spaces with appropriate word(s)/figure(s) : | | |
| | (i) | Propriety audit involves in finding out whether the assets have been properly used and ________ against misuse. | | (0) |
| | (ii) | Internal audit is an aid to the business control and is not a ______ for management. | | (0) |
| | (iii) | Operational audit is a newer and more important phase of internal audit technique with audit _________. | | (0) |
| | (iv) | Cost Accounting Standard-1 issued by the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India deals with ___________. | | (0) |
| (1 mark each) | | |
| (c) | ‘Ratio analysis is an effective tool for establishing a useful relationship between the related but scattered data into meaningful and orderly patterns.‘ Critically examine. | | (0) |
| (6 marks) | | |
7. | (a) | Choose the most appropriate answer from the given options in respect of the following : | | |
| | (i) | The test that could not only verify the functionality but also the control structure is — (a) | System testing | (b) | Pilot testing | (c) | Unit testing | (d) | Regression testing. | | | (0) |
| | (ii) | The first task of Information System (IS) Auditors is to assess the risk of — (a) | Cascading of errors in integrated systems, the output of one sub–system goes as input to another and so on | (b) | Identify key control points | (c) | Identify control weaknesses | (d) | Verifying veracity of computer files. | | | (0) |
| | (iii) | The first task of Information System (IS) Auditors is to assess the risk of — (a) | Cascading of errors in integrated systems, the output of one sub–system goes as input to another and so on | (b) | Identify key control points | (c) | Identify control weaknesses | (d) | Verifying veracity of computer files. | | | (0) |
| (1 mark each) | | |
| (b) | Re-write the following sentences after filling-in the blank spaces with appropriate word(s)/figure(s) : | | |
| | (i) | An efficient information system uses ________ resources to achieve its objectives. | | (0) |
| | (ii) | With the increasing use of ________ systems, the complexity of systems and risk of errors, sabotage and fraud have increased manifold. | | (0) |
| | (iii) | The significance of systems audit is sharply highlighted by the way businesses are ___________. | | (0) |
| (1 mark each) | | |
| (c) | Explain the following terms in connection with systems audit : | | (0) |
| (2 mark each) | | |
| (d) | Write short notes on any two of the following : | | |
| | (i) | Fire walls | | (0) |
| | (ii) | Programing | | (0) |
| | (iii) | Debugging a program. | | (0) |
| (3 marks each) | | |