CWA ICWA Final Stage III : Advanced Financial Management and International Finance - June 2008

This Paper has 29 answerable questions with 0 answered.
Revised Syllabus
Time Allowed : 3 HoursFull Marks : 100
The figures in the margin on the right side indicate full marks.
Answer Question No. 1 from Part A which is Compulsory and
another five questions from Part B.
Please answer all bits of a question at one Place.
Working notes should form part of the answer.
1.(a)In each of the cases given below one out of four is correct. Indicate the correct answer (= 1 mark) and give your workings/reasons briefly (= 1 mark):2x5 
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
  (v)   (0)
 (b)1x5 (0)
 (c)State whether each of the following statements is True (T) or False F:1x5 
  (i)   (0)
  (ii)   (0)
  (iii)   (0)
  (iv)   (0)
  (v)   (0)
Answer any five questions, each carrying 16 marks.
2.(a)3+2+1 (0)
 (b)10 (0)
3.(a)4+4+2+2 (0)
 (b)3+1 (0)
4.(a)2+4 (0)
 (b)3+3 (0)
 (c)4 (0)
5.(a)5+3+1 (0)
 (b)1+5+1 (0)
6.2+7+6+1 (0)
7.(a)3+3+4 (0)
 (b)5+1 (0)
8.Write short notes on any four out of the following: 4x4 
 (a)  (0)
 (b)  (0)
 (c)  (0)
 (d)  (0)
 (e)  (0)
 (f)  (0)