CS - Professional Programme : Main/Final Examination : Qualifying Marks - Pass Marks in each module Separately

ICSICS (2008)PPResults Exemptions • Main/Final Examination : Qualifying Marks - Pass Marks in each module Separately
A student has to get a minimum of 40 marks in each paper (not subject) and an aggregate of 50% in all the papers of a module together to qualify in the module.

Passing all the four modules together

A student is said to have passed all the four modules together if he secures "a minimum of 40 marks in each paper and an aggregate of 50% in all the papers of four modules put together"

Passing only one module

A student is said to have passed one of the modules if he secures "a minimum of 40 marks in each paper and an aggregate of 50% in all the papers of that module"

Passing two modules together

A student is said to have passed any two modules together if he secures "a minimum of 40 marks in each paper and an aggregate of 50% in all the papers of both the modules put together"

Module IModule IIModule IIIModule IVGrand
A544094434285455095484492366Failed all 4 modules
 <50%<50%<50%<50%<50%Didn't pass any module even when considered separately
B6535100805613665451003965104450Failed in Module I & IV
Passed in Module II & III
C40408050601106070130404080400Passed in all 4 modules
D5060110705512553551086545110453Passed in all 4 modules

Papers with two or more subjects involved

Where a paper contains two or more parts (each part may be a separate subject or otherwise) with the total marks of 100 divided between the parts a candidate is required to get the minimum marks in all the parts together. There is no need for the student to maintain a minimum pass mark in each part separately.


Model-II-Paper 4: Corporate Restructuring & Insolvency [100 marks]

  • Part A:Corporate Restructuring (70 Marks)
  • Part B: Corporate Insolvency (30 Marks)

The student is required to get the minimum of 40 marks in the two parts together. There is no minimum for each part.