CS - Foundation Programme : Eligibility Tests : Coaching Completion Certificate

ICSICS (2008)FP : Foundation Programme • Eligibility Tests - Coaching Completion Certificate

What are Eligibility Tests?

Eligibility tests are examinations conducted by the institute for students who have taken up the compulsory oral/postal coaching.

They can be understood as an equivalent of the pre-public examination that colleges conduct.

Getting through the end exam (i.e. equivalent of pre-public) is compulsory for the institutes examination.

Oral Coaching

The coaching process involves conduct of examinations (eligibility tests) at the end of the coaching period.

A student will be made eligible to appear at the main examinations only if he qualifies in the end examinations conducted by the oral coaching center that he/she joins.

Postal Coaching

The student is supplied with a set of a set of question papers along with the study material in each subject. The total study material is divided into parts and the question papers would be such that a student would be able to answer the first set after studying a part of the material from the beginning.

The answers to the question papers provided with the study material are to be periodically submitted within the time limits prescribed. The submitted answer papers would be evaluated and returned to the students. A student has to qualify in the required number of papers within prescribed time limits, to be eligible for appearing at the main examination.

This amounts to doing a correspondence course, attending the pre-public examination at home and sending the answer papers for evaluation to the institute.

What is Coaching Completion Certificate (CC)

This is a certificate issued by the institute to the student on the successful completion of the compulsory oral/postal coaching i.e. on getting through the prescribed number of eligibility tests.

A student with a valid Coaching Completion Certificate (CC) only will be allowed to attend the main examinations.

Form of Certificate (CC)

The CC issued by the regional councils of ICSI is post card sized and contains the intimation regarding grant of eligibility by the regional council. The certificate issued has a number [CC - Number] which has to be mentioned at the time of making application for the examination. A copy of the CC may also be attached to the examination application.


To be able to include the information relating to the CC in the examination application or to append a photo copy of it along with examination application you have to receive within such time that enables you to submit the examination application before the last date. For this reason, it would be in the interest of the students taking up postal coaching to submit the answer papers required to be submitted well in advance.

Oral Coaching - No. of Exams/Tests/Papers to be written

A written test will be conducted under stipulated examination conditions during the continuance or at the end of the course. The exact detail of the nature, duration, type of the examination etc., may vary from center to center. However they follow certain set guidelines in conducting these examinations.

The institute prescribes the number of tests per subject and the time frame of conduction of the exam which are to be followed as guidelines in conducting the end exams by the coaching centers.

Four tests in each subject. A subject is a paper at the main examination. A student has to get through with 40% in each paper in atleast 3 out of the 4 tests.

Exact details in this regard can be had only from the Oral Coaching Center the student is intending to get admitted to.

Postal Coaching - Number of Papers to be submitted

Along with the study material/notes a set of question papers would also be sent which have to answered and submitted to the institution for evaluation within the stipulated time. A student will have to submit answers to the specified number of papers and obtain qualifying marks to be eligible to get the certificate indicating the successful completion coaching.

Number of Papers to be Submitted

1 paper out of 2 papers provided in each subject. A total of 4 papers ( 1 x 4)

Where to Send

The wrappers supplied along with the study material and question papers for postal coaching students have the address printed on them (which generally is the relevant regional council). The papers are to be sent only to that address and no where else.

Oral Coaching : Eligibility Tests - Evaluation, Qualifying Marks, Re-exam

Passing - Qualifying Marks

The candidate should obtain atleast 40% in each paper and should pass in 3 out of the 4 tests held.

A student who has obtained the minimum qualifying marks in the prescribed number of papers only will be eligible for issue of a certificate of successful completion of the course i.e. the Coaching completion Certificate (CC).


If a student does not qualify in a term by passing the requisite examinations conducted by the oral coaching center, then he/she has to re appear in the examination conducted by the center during the subsequent terms and qualify in them to be able to get the certificate of successful completion of coaching (CC).

The schedule for re - examinations would be decided by the center and such information can be obtained from the oral coaching center the student has attended.

Postal Coaching - Eligibility Tests, Evaluation, Qualifying Marks, Resubmission

The papers submitted by the students are evaluated by examiners and marks allotted to them. The papers would be returned to the student by post after completion of evaluation so that the student may be able to assess his/her performance against the marks obtained and make any corrections needed in his study or approach.

Qualifying Marks

Qualifying Marks → 40% in each paper.

• Re-Submission

If the minimum qualifying marks are not obtained in a paper, it has to be answered again and sent for evaluation. This has to be done till that time the student obtains the minimum qualifying marks in that many papers which would make him/her eligible to be awarded the EC|CC.

Postal Coaching - Last Dates for Submission of Eligibility Test Papers

The answers for test papers should be submitted in such time so as to enable the timely issue of certificate of successful completion of coaching. To enable this cut off dates have been specified by the institutions for submission of test papers.

A student with a valid Coaching Completion certificate only will be allowed to attend an examination. Therefore, to obtain a certificate of successful completion of coaching which would enable you to attend a particular examination you have to submit the answer papers within the cut-off dates specified.

To Obtain CC for

  • The December Examination —

    Submit answers to all the required test papers before 31st August

  • The June Examination —

    Submit answers to all the required test papers before 28th/29th February

Postal Coaching - Is it Enough if I submit before the last dates?

Submitting the papers before the last dates would make you eligible for consideration of issue of EC/CC for the relevant examination provided you have qualified in the submitted papers.

If on evaluation it is found that you have not qualified in any of the papers then you would be needed to resubmit the papers. In such a case if you resubmit the papers it would amount to submitting beyond the cut off dates, therefore making you eligible for the subsequent examination only.

Submission and re-submission should also be within the cut off dates. Therefore it would be in a students own interest that he/she submit the papers at the earliest possible time not waiting till the cut off dates.

Last dates for Obtaining CC. Not received in time!!

The issue of CC is done throughout the year. There is no such date called the last date for obtaining CC. However, since the CC is to be obtained to be eligible to appear for the main/final examination, care should be taken to ensure its timely receipt (i.e. within such time so as to enable you to file the application for examination in time).

Not in Receipt of CC within time

A student should have submitted all the requisite papers within the last/cut off dates. In such a case if the student is not in receipt of the CC before the last date for submission of examination application, he/she may (can) submit the examination application (inspite of not being in receipt of the CC before the last date) mentioning the same along with the requisite examination fees.

It is in the students own interest that he/she pursues his/her case with the respective regional council (postal coaching students) or the center where he/she has undergone the oral coaching (oral coaching students) and obtains the CC and sends a photocopy of the same along with a letter explaining his case to the head office where the examination applications are dealt with.

This would amount to the student making a provisional application on the anticipation that his/her CC would be ultimately received. If the student fails to submit his/her CC within sufficient time subsequently, he/she may not be issued the hall ticket for the examination.

Submit Papers as Early as Possible

Failure to obtain the CC may be on account of the reason that the student has not qualified (i.e. got the minimum required marks) in one or more papers that had already been submitted.

To avoid being in such situations, a student is advised to submit the eligibility test papers as early as possible.

Who Issues the CC Whom to contact in case of a problem

The details of the student for all purposes are maintained and monitored by the respective regional councils of the Institute.

Postal Coaching

In case of students undergoing Postal Coaching, the CC is issued by the regional council itself. Therefore when there is a problem with regard to CC, you should contact the respective regional councils of the institute.

• Oral Coaching

In case of students undergoing Oral Coaching the CC is issued under the purview of coaching center run by the Institution/Branch/Regional Office/Chapter which conducted the oral coaching.

Therefore when there is a problem with regard to CC, a student should contact the coaching center where he/she has taken up oral coaching.

Validity Period of CC, Revalidation

Valid Forever

The Coaching Completion certificate (CC) for the Foundation Programme is valid for a period of three years i.e. the period of vaildity of registration.

• Revalidation