CS - Executive Programme : Renewing/Revalidating/Denovo Registration

ICSICS (2008)EPCourse Registration • Renewing/Revalidating/Denovo Registration
The students registration for the Executive Programme is valid for a period of five years. On the expiry of the five year period, it automatically gets cancelled.

Renewing the registration where it has expired is done through a process called "de novo registration".

de novo [Latin] » From the beginning

Within two years after expiry of registration

Time Limit

A student whose registration is canceled on the expiry of the 5 year period has to apply for denovo registration within a period of 2 years from such cancellation.


The fee at present is Rs. 1,500.

Any arrears of the postal tuition fee during the original registration period should also be paid along with this.

After two years but within five years after expiry of registration

Time Limit

A student whose registration is canceled on the expiry of the 5 year period can also apply for de-novo registration after 2 years but before 5 year from such cancellation of registration.


The fee at present includes:
  1. Registration fee — Rs. 1100
  2. Exemption fee for
    1. Foundation Programme Level — Rs. 500
    2. Executive Programme Level — Rs. 500

      This fee is to be paid if the student has cleared this level by the time of denovo registration.

  3. Paper Wise Exemption fee — Rs. 100 per paper

    This fee is to be paid if the student has cleared some of the papers within this level by the time of denovo registration.

    The amount of fee payable is dependent on the number of papers already cleared.

Any arrears of the postal tuition fee during the original registration period should also be paid along with this.

Exemptions earned in earlier examinations

The paperwise exemption fee is for those papers in which the student has already passed or has claimed exemption on account of getting high marks in earlier examinations or has claimed exemption on account of having other academic qualifications and which the student wishes to carry through the renewed registration period also.

After five years after expiry of registration

A student whose registration is canceled on the expiry of the 5 year period cannot make an application for denovo registration after the expiry of 5 years from such cancellation.

The student has to apply for registration afresh. The benefit of any coaching he has undergone and the subjects he has already passed would be foregone and for all practical purposes he is a student afresh.

Application for Denovo/Re-Registration

The student has to apply in the prescribed form available with the institutes office.

It can be downloaded in PDF Format or Word Document Format from the institutes web site.

Study Material

A student registering denovo shall not be supplied with the study material afresh. Study Material can, however, be had on payment of Rs.160/- per subject. "Student Company Secretary" will be sent free of cost during the validity period of de novo registration, from the month subsequent to the month in which the student was registered de novo.

Validity Period of Denovo Registration

The Registration De-Novo will be valid for a period of five years from the month in which the student has been registered De-Novo.