CA - IPCC IPCE : Qualifying Marks - Pass Marks in each part/section separately!!

ICAICA (2006)IPCCResults Exemptions • Qualifying Marks - Pass Marks in each part/section separately!!

An aggregate of 50% in all the papers together is required to qualify in the examination.

A candidate is considered to have passed the IPCC/IPCE if he passes both the groups constituting this level.

He/she may get through the groups in one or more attempts either together or separately.

Passing both groups together:

A student is said to have passed both the groups together if he secures "a minimum of 40 marks in each paper and an aggregate of 50% in all the papers of both the groups put together"

Passing only one group:

A student is said to have passed one of the groups if he secures "a minimum of 40 marks in each paper and an aggregate of 50% in all the papers of that group"

A typical Example

 1234Total567TotalGrand TotalResult
A40404040160404040120280Failed Both
Didn't pass any group even when considered separately
B54404352189424844134323Failed Both
Didn't pass any group even when considered separately
C65355650206803955174380Failed Both
Didn't pass any group even when considered separately
D40404050170804060180350Passed Both
Note the advantage with considering the two groups together here.
The student will fail Group I if they are considered separately.
E60705545230504040130360Passed Both
Note the advantage with considering the two groups together here.
The student will fail Group II if they are considered separately.
F60704555230605540155385Passed Both
G50554555205385560153358Passed Group I
H50454240177485262162339Passed Group II