Oral coaching - medium of instruction
At most of the oral coaching centers, Oral coaching classes are conducted in English medium. The institute as well as other coaching centers especially in Hindi speaking regions may conduct coaching in Hindi medium based on the requirements of the students.
Please enquire with the respective coaching centers, for availability of coaching classes in Hindi medium.
Postal coaching
Postal coaching is available only in English medium.
However Hindi translation of material can be obtained from the board of studies of the institute. Enquire with the respective regional councils for the same.
Students should take the precaution of specifically mentioning his choice of medium (for obtaining the study material) at the time of registration.
Examinations at the End of the Course
The main examinations for the CA Final can be written either ENGLISH or in HINDI.
Proper mention of the same should be made in the examination application failing which the student would be required to answer in English medium.