This Paper has 26 answerable questions with 0 answered.
C–I(OMF) Revised Syllabus |
Time Allowed : 3 Hours | Full Marks : 100 |
The figures in the margin on the right side indicate full marks. |
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any one from the rest. |
Marks |
1. | Do you agree with the following statements? Write Yes or No, giving proper reasoning in support of your answer. No marks will be awarded if only Yes or No, is stated: | 15x2 | |
| (a) | Organisation is a process. | | (0) |
| (b) | How Thorne Experiments covered three studies? | | (0) |
| (c) | Some amount of conflict is desirable in the organisation. | | (0) |
| (d) | The main purpose of Human resource Management is wage and salary administration. | | (0) |
| (e) | Henri Fayal is known as father of scientific Management. | | (0) |
| (f) | A rule is a standing plan. | | (0) |
| (g) | Communication process remains incomplete without feed-back. | | (0) |
| (h) | Delegation of authority increases work-load of Top Management. | | (0) |
| (i) | McGregor produced the 'Need Hierarchy Theory'. | | (0) |
| (j) | Management process and management functions are one and the same. | | (0) |
| (k) | Contingency approach is a common sense approach. | | (0) |
| (l) | Policies and procedures are synonymous. | | (0) |
| (m) | Basically delegation of authority involves three elements. | | (0) |
| (n) | Single use plans are aimed at meeting repetitive situations. | | (0) |
| (o) | Human relations school is a socio-psychological approach to management. | | (0) |
2. | What is organisation theory? Discuss the pillars of classical organisation theory. | 3+7 | (0) |
3. | What is delegation of authority? Explain the basic advantages of delegation of authority. | 3+7 | (0) |
Answer any four questions. |
4. | Define planning. Discuss the steps involved in planning. | 3+12 | (0) |
5. | What is control? Discuss the steps involved in control. | 3+12 | (0) |
6. | Explain the meaning of recruitment. Mention the importance of recruitment and discuss the steps involved in recruitment process. | 3+6+6 | (0) |
7. | Discuss the importance or advantages of public enterprises. Also point out the arguments against them. | 8+7 | (0) |
8. | Write short notes on any three: | 5x3 | |
| (a) | Goal conflict; | | (0) |
| (b) | Line and staff organisation; | | (0) |
| (c) | Span of control; | | (0) |
| (d) | Features of contingency approach; | | (0) |
| (e) | Free-rein leadership. | | (0) |